

Posted by Simon on June 21, 2020

“Better code, better life. ”


Redis并没有使用C语言默认的,以‘\0’结尾的字符串,而是自定义了一种名为简单动态字符串(simple dynamic string, SDS)的数据结构。在Redis里,C字符串只会用作为字符串字面量(string literal)用做一些无需对字符串值进行修改的地方,比如:

redisLog(REDIS_WARNING, "some text...");


redis> SET msg "Hello World"

作为Key的msgHello WorldRedis中都是以SDS存储的。




struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) sdshdr8 {
    uint8_t len; /* used */
    uint8_t alloc; /* excluding the header and null terminator */
    unsigned char flags; /* 3 lsb of type, 5 unused bits */
    char buf[];
struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) sdshdr16 {
    uint16_t len; /* used */
    uint16_t alloc; /* excluding the header and null terminator */
    unsigned char flags; /* 3 lsb of type, 5 unused bits */
    char buf[];
struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) sdshdr32 {
    uint32_t len; /* used */
    uint32_t alloc; /* excluding the header and null terminator */
    unsigned char flags; /* 3 lsb of type, 5 unused bits */
    char buf[];
struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) sdshdr64 {
    uint64_t len; /* used */
    uint64_t alloc; /* excluding the header and null terminator */
    unsigned char flags; /* 3 lsb of type, 5 unused bits */
    char buf[];




//typedef char *sds;
sds sdsempty(void)
sds sdsnew(const char *init);
sds sdsdup(const sds s);
sds sdsnewlen(const void *init, size_t initlen);


sds sdsempty(void) {
    return sdsnewlen("",0);

sds sdsdup(const sds s) {
    return sdsnewlen(s, sdslen(s));

sds sdsnew(const char *init) {
    size_t initlen = (init == NULL) ? 0 : strlen(init);
    return sdsnewlen(init, initlen);

sds sdsnewlen(const void *init, size_t initlen) {
    void *sh;
    sds s;
    char type = sdsReqType(initlen);
    /* Empty strings are usually created in order to append. Use type 8
     * since type 5 is not good at this. */
    if (type == SDS_TYPE_5 && initlen == 0) type = SDS_TYPE_8;
    int hdrlen = sdsHdrSize(type);
    unsigned char *fp; /* flags pointer. */
    sh = s_malloc(hdrlen+initlen+1);
    if (sh == NULL) return NULL;
    if (init==SDS_NOINIT)
        init = NULL;
    else if (!init)
        memset(sh, 0, hdrlen+initlen+1);
    s = (char*)sh+hdrlen;
    //flag pointer
    fp = ((unsigned char*)s)-1;
    switch(type) {
        case SDS_TYPE_5: {
            *fp = type | (initlen << SDS_TYPE_BITS);
        case SDS_TYPE_8: {
            //#define SDS_HDR_VAR(T,s) struct sdshdr##T *sh = (void*)((s)-(sizeof(struct sdshdr##T)));
            //让上面的sh指向 s_malloc(hdrlen+initlen+1)申请的空间
            sh->len = initlen;
            sh->alloc = initlen;
            *fp = type;
        case SDS_TYPE_16: {
            sh->len = initlen;
            sh->alloc = initlen;
            *fp = type;
        case SDS_TYPE_32: {
            sh->len = initlen;
            sh->alloc = initlen;
            *fp = type;
        case SDS_TYPE_64: {
            sh->len = initlen;
            sh->alloc = initlen;
            *fp = type;
    if (initlen && init)
        memcpy(s, init, initlen);
    s[initlen] = '\0';
    return s;



/* Remove the part of the string from left and from right composed just of
 * contiguous characters found in 'cset', that is a null terminted C string.
 * After the call, the modified sds string is no longer valid and all the
 * references must be substituted with the new pointer returned by the call.
 * Example:
 * s = sdsnew("AA...AA.a.aa.aHelloWorld     :::");
 * s = sdstrim(s,"Aa. :");
 * printf("%s\n", s);
 * Output will be just "HelloWorld".
sds sdstrim(sds s, const char *cset) {
    char *start, *end, *sp, *ep;
    size_t len;

    sp = start = s;
    ep = end = s+sdslen(s)-1;
    while(sp <= end && strchr(cset, *sp)) sp++;
    while(ep > sp && strchr(cset, *ep)) ep--;
    len = (sp > ep) ? 0 : ((ep-sp)+1);
    if (s != sp) memmove(s, sp, len);
    s[len] = '\0';
    return s;


/* Turn the string into a smaller (or equal) string containing only the
 * substring specified by the 'start' and 'end' indexes.
 * start and end can be negative, where -1 means the last character of the
 * string, -2 the penultimate character, and so forth.
 * The interval is inclusive, so the start and end characters will be part
 * of the resulting string.
 * The string is modified in-place.
 * Example:
 * s = sdsnew("Hello World");
 * sdsrange(s,1,-1); => "ello World"
void sdsrange(sds s, ssize_t start, ssize_t end) {
    size_t newlen, len = sdslen(s);

    if (len == 0) return;
    if (start < 0) {
        start = len+start;
        if (start < 0) start = 0;
    if (end < 0) {
        end = len+end;
        if (end < 0) end = 0;
    newlen = (start > end) ? 0 : (end-start)+1;
    if (newlen != 0) {
        if (start >= (ssize_t)len) {
            newlen = 0;
        } else if (end >= (ssize_t)len) {
            end = len-1;
            newlen = (start > end) ? 0 : (end-start)+1;
    } else {
        start = 0;
    if (start && newlen) memmove(s, s+start, newlen);
    s[newlen] = 0;


/* Split 's' with separator in 'sep'. An array
 * of sds strings is returned. *count will be set
 * by reference to the number of tokens returned.
 * On out of memory, zero length string, zero length
 * separator, NULL is returned.
 * Note that 'sep' is able to split a string using
 * a multi-character separator. For example
 * sdssplit("foo_-_bar","_-_"); will return two
 * elements "foo" and "bar".
 * This version of the function is binary-safe but
 * requires length arguments. sdssplit() is just the
 * same function but for zero-terminated strings.
sds *sdssplitlen(const char *s, ssize_t len, const char *sep, int seplen, int *count) {
    int elements = 0, slots = 5;
    long start = 0, j;
    sds *tokens;

    if (seplen < 1 || len < 0) return NULL;

    tokens = s_malloc(sizeof(sds)*slots);
    if (tokens == NULL) return NULL;

    if (len == 0) {
        *count = 0;
        return tokens;
    for (j = 0; j < (len-(seplen-1)); j++) {
        /* make sure there is room for the next element and the final one */
        if (slots < elements+2) {
            sds *newtokens;

            slots *= 2;
            newtokens = s_realloc(tokens,sizeof(sds)*slots);
            if (newtokens == NULL) goto cleanup;
            tokens = newtokens;
        /* search the separator */
        if ((seplen == 1 && *(s+j) == sep[0]) || (memcmp(s+j,sep,seplen) == 0)) {
            tokens[elements] = sdsnewlen(s+start,j-start);
            if (tokens[elements] == NULL) goto cleanup;
            start = j+seplen;
            j = j+seplen-1; /* skip the separator */
    /* Add the final element. We are sure there is room in the tokens array. */
    tokens[elements] = sdsnewlen(s+start,len-start);
    if (tokens[elements] == NULL) goto cleanup;
    *count = elements;
    return tokens;

        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < elements; i++) sdsfree(tokens[i]);
        *count = 0;
        return NULL;